"Radiance" by the Kropai Family

"Radiance" by the Kropai Family

The latest exhibition and a new alternative photography process.
This time I introduce and also educate about Lumen Prints. It is going back to the secrets of primary photography, unique photograms, made without a photo camera, without the dark room, to the process that was initiated, I think, by botanists. Here objects are placed directly on a light-sensitive surface, which blocks the flow of light and forms the silhouettes of the objects.
These glowing lumen prints provide a unique impression, with the light piercing through the plant like an X-ray machine, creating a magical trace of botany.
The development of the lumen print series began in 2018. A year of experimentation later my wife and my little daughter joined the process. They were fascinated and involved into this (not)easy alternative practice of photography. They created several very strong pieces and at the same time helped me complete this cycle.
The project presents the works created by myself, my wife Aušra Kropienė and our daughter Mėta Kropaitė in 2018-2019. The project is supported by Lithuanian council of culture.

Last edited: 2021-03-26 10:11

A biržiečė vaišin dainuodamūs
We invite you to visit our exhibition of ancient brewing traditions and take part in our special program "From a grain to a song: Birzai tradition and hospitality".