
Baroque Spring in Biržai 2022

2022 - 05 - 07

The latest programme of the ensemble “Chiaroscuro” will feature the music starting from Gregorian chants, medieval and Renaissance polyphony to early Baroque. The voices of the performers will be accompanied by delicate instruments: Gothic harp, transverse flutes, violin, liuto forte, Baroque guitar and organ. The programme is inspired by the personality of blessed Carlo Acutis and his exhibition on the Eucharistic miracles that have taken place since the eighth century until nowadays. The concert will feature hymns to St. Sacrament and St. Virgin Mary.


Rūta Vox (Vosyliūtė) – mezzo-soprao

Ieva Baublytė – Gothic harp, transverse flutes

Augusta Jusionytė - violin

Vilimas Norkūnas – vocal, organ

Saulius S. Lipčius – liuto forte, Baroque guitar

The concert is free of charge!

Last edited: 2022-05-04 11:43

A biržiečė vaišin dainuodamūs
We invite you to visit our exhibition of ancient brewing traditions and take part in our special program "From a grain to a song: Birzai tradition and hospitality".